* Individual results may vary.
Problems with skin discolouration, particularly on the face, bring many men and women to Platinum Dermatology for phototherapy and skin rejuvenation. BroadBand Light (BBL) is an effective solution for a variety of skin problems, including visible signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a type of BBL treatment. Also known as a “photofacial” treatment (and completed in less time and much more effective than any cosmetic facials), it delivers BroadBand light through the skin to rejuvenate the face.
In this article, our trained specialist dermatologists share information on phototherapy to help you understand how this innovative light-based technology is changing the face of facial rejuvenation.
Platinum Dermatology Explains BBL/IPL Skin Phototherapy
Phototherapy represents a true breakthrough in age-defying skincare. IPL is considered the gold standard for facial rejuvenation, providing dramatic results in restoring a fresh, radiant appearance. IPL skin treatments are highly effective, so it is no surprise that they are also extremely popular.
Phototherapy improves signs of ageing from the face, neck, chest, arms and hands. It’s an in-office treatment that may only be performed by a physician or trained medical staff member. At our practice, we use the Sciton Multiplatform BBL, which we have used over and over to successfully treat skin damage without disrupting the epidermal surface.*
During phototherapy treatments, IPL delivers pulses of light energy that gently heat the upper layers of skin. Within the skin, damaged areas such as fine, broken blood vessels causing facial redness and brown age spots absorb the light energy. It can also target and correct pigmented lesions that are the result of an over-production of melanin.
IPL patients at Platinum Dermatology typically require two to three 15-minute sessions, performed at three-week intervals. Many come in during their lunch hour for this quick, painless treatment.*
6 Reasons to Choose IPL Facial Rejuvenation
Our trained specialist dermatologists at Platinum Dermatology have many options when it comes to treating facial ageing. Only IPL skin treatments offer a solution that*:
- Treats the entire face, not only small spots
- Addresses skin problems that are “front and centre” on the face
- Is non-invasive and requires no sedation or anaesthetic
- Allows patients to return to their daily activities immediately
- Provides immediate improvement that looks natural.
- Produces long-lasting results
Second Generation IPL Photo Rejuvenation vs. Surgery
Facelifts and other surgical procedures are far too invasive and often unnecessary for younger patients and “baby boomers” who simply want to revitalise and refresh their appearance. Our trained specialist dermatologists at Platinum Dermatology use phototherapy to blend natural skin tones and smooth irregularities. This treatment has delivered excellent results in making the complexion vibrant and fresh.
BBL facial rejuvenation works in two ways:
- It treats the damaged superficial layer of the skin
- It delivers thermal energy to stimulate deeper tissue
Our cosmetic enhancement patients like the fact that IPL treatments address the effects of photo-ageing and sun damage with a low risk of complications and minimal recovery time.*
Microdermabrasion addresses skin irregularities, but cannot address complexion problems such as broken capillaries, flushing and redness that can be corrected with BBL/IPL light treatments for facial ageing.
8 Skin Complaints That We Treat with IPL at Platinum Dermatology
IPL treatments are the new standards for treating skin conditions associated with ageing, active life-styles and sun damage. At Platinum Dermatology, our skilled dermatology nurses design treatments personalised for each patient’s skin and specific complaints including:
- Visible signs of ageing (wrinkles, fine lines)
- Pigmented Lesions (age spots, freckles, melasma)
- Rosacea and other micro-capillary flushing conditions
- Spider Veins (Telangiectasia)
- Acne
- Skin laxity
- Uneven skin texture
- Unwanted hair
It also precisely treats age and spots, broken facial veins, and many other skin defects. BBL phototherapy is non-invasive. You can receive comfortable and effective treatments to fit your schedule, even on a lunch break.
Results typically are ongoing particularly with patients who remain vigilant about limiting sun exposure.
What Happens During BBL/IPL Treatments
The specialist dermatologists at Platinum Dermatology consult with patients prior to every treatment to ensure that the treatment they’ve selected is the one that will deliver optimal results. Questions about goals and lifestyles, as well as medical history, help our dermatologists get to know our patients as people so they can provide the best possible service.
When it’s time to begin, patients are given protective eye gear to wear during the treatment, and a cold gel is usually applied to the treatment area. Our trained specialist dermatologists gently apply the smooth, sapphire crystal surface of the IPL handpiece to the skin and deliver precise pulses of light to the area being treated.
The vast majority of patients at our practice consider IPL treatments to be minimally painful. Some compare the feeling to being snapped with a rubber band.* Patient comfort is of the utmost concern to us at Platinum Dermatology, and an anaesthetic cream is always available for any patient that finds light pulses to be uncomfortable.
Visit Platinum Dermatology for BroadBand/IPL Treatments
If you have questions about BroadBand/IPL treatments, or any aspect of skin rejuvenation, contact Platinum Dermatology on 02 8014 6500 or use the contact form on this page to learn how we can help you look fresh, healthy, and radiant.
* Individual results may vary.