Beautiful skin is a greater signifier of youth than being free of lines and wrinkles. However, the skin is quick to show the visible signs of ageing, commonly known as the Seven Signs of Ageing.
While some of the skin-related factors can be reined in with healthy lifestyle choices and a good skincare regime, many of the characteristics of ageing are a matter of genetics.
1. Fine lines and wrinkles
Fine lines, crow’s feet and wrinkles are the most evident and often most concern-causing signs of ageing for men and women. Wrinkles are a result of the elastin and collagen fibres, which keep our skin firm and taut, weakening. This leads to skin looseness and laxity and the subsequent wrinkles.
2. Dullness of skin
The glowing, dewy skin of youth slowly fades with age. The result is a dulled complexion due to the depleted moisture levels in the top layer of the skin, which naturally occurs with age. While young skin renews itself at every three to four weeks, older skin is slower to renew itself at every four to six weeks.
3. Uneven skin tone
Ageing causes the complexion to become uneven in certain places. This may be due to parts of the skin harbouring more melanin than others, or the function in the hormonal levels in females. This unevenness can lead to skin looker older than its years.
4. Dry skin
Young, healthy skin has a high moisture content, leading to a fresh, dewy and radiant appearance, Over the ageing process this depletes as the skin loses its ability to retain the moisture. Older skin is often characterised by dryness and dehydration.
5. Blotchiness and age spots
Thinning skin associated with ageing leads to the increased visibility of tony bloods vessels that appear. Age spots or liver spots, which are reddish or brown in colour, are caused mostly by over-exposure to UV rays and become more evident in ageing skin. They produce a blotchy look that contributes to an aged appearance.
6. Rough skin texture
As the skin matures, changes in texture become noticeable. Skin that was once baby-soft and smooth becomes uneven and bumpy on the surface due to the layers of dead cells and the cell turnover slowing.
7. Visible pores
Pores become enlarged or more visible with age due to loss of skin elasticity and skin being drawn down by gravity.
What causes our skin to age?
There are a range of different factors that cause our skin to age both as a result of the natural ageing process, environmental and lifestyle factors. Ultra violet rays are a major contributor to skin ageing in Australia, although smoking, stress, medication, climate, alcohol and several others way in.
The seven main factors that age skin faster comes down to:
– Smoking
– Over-exposure to the sun
– Stress
– Lack of sleep
– Cold weather
– Alcohol
– Lack of exercise
What can we do about it?
Significant advances in technology mean just about any anti-ageing skin concern can be treated.
At Platinum Dermatology Skin Specialists we offer a comprehensive range of treatments, including Forever Young Broadband IPL which offers an effective solution to the visible signs of ageing, such as pigmentation, broken capillaries and fine lines. Please contact Platinum Dermatology Skin Specialists on (02) 8014 6500 for a consultation.
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